Donghui Li

Ph.D. Candidate for Hydrology & Water Resources

I am Donghui Li, currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with the specialization on hydrology and water resources engineering, advised by Dr. Ximing Cai

My Ph.D. dissertation investigates the interactions between human activities and water resource systems. It focuses on two main aspects: (i) the influence of human activities on hydrological processes, and (ii) the risks posed by hydrological extremes, particularly drought, to human water supply. My research methodology includes the development of an interpretable machine learning model for reservoir operations. This data-driven reservoir operation model is integrated with a process-based hydrological model to explore the relationship between hydrological processes and water supply during drought conditions at the river basin level.


Phone: (217) 721-3706 
